Am thinking of blogging about something, but am having the writter's block. Its when you have so much in you, but no idea how to pen it down or get it flowing.
I think in life, there are a few major bases that we need to cover, liken baseball. The first base is Religion, second base is family, third base is career and fourth base is relationship.
Why is religion the first base? Simply because, when all else fails, God wont fail. He is your stronghold and your life is centred around it. I'm not trying to say I'm a staunch Christian, but I try to cover my base.
Second base is family, family is where we grow up in, family is where we are molded, family gives us our sense of belonging. Even a nation is build on a family nucleus. Family is very important to me, I try to spend more time with my family and I just love having family lunches. Even the simplest grocery shopping with my mum can bring a smile to my face :)
Third base is career, here is where we climb up the corporate ladder. Good thing for ladies , we can always take the easy way out and be a housewife. Haha. Career is where we earn our bread and butter and give back to our first and second base
Forth base is relationship, be it friends or significant other half. Friends are those who laugh with you when you are silly, hear you cry over the phone and give you the occassional surprises. Significant other half is the one that you would settle down with and build your own family. The other half may not be the perfect person but is someone whom you can live without. You can never search for that person, that person just come into your life when you least expect it. Thats the beauty of it all.
Earn your bread and butter and give back to your 'second base'? When ah? Still waiting for my treat =)dar dar included as well.
u no longer part of the family.. u are extended part... hahaha... i treat u durain :)
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